Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas!! and a have a Blessed New Year!!

December is a busy time at BOCC.

Sunday, December 12th:
The BOCC youth visited the Nursing home. They sang and took socks for everyone there. Also I think there was a special visit from a guy in a red suit!

Sunday, December 19
• Special Guest Speaker: Tom Scott

Wednesday, December 22
• Christmas caroling, 5pm at the church, after this there will be snacks and viewing of the movie, The Christmas Carol

Friday, December 24
• Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 25
• Christmas Day

Sunday, December 26
• Christmas Program by the Black Oak Youth

Friday, December 31
• New Year’s Eve

Sunday, May 30, 2010

June at Black Oak

Here is an overview of events for June

Wednesday June 2: No Wednesday evening service

Sunday June 6, 2010, Special Guest Speaker

Dr. Dennis Durst
Dr. Durst is professor of Theology at Kentucky Christian University.

Sunday June 13, Special Guest Speaker

Tom Scott is Director of the Library at Kentucky Christian Library

Sunday June 20 Father's Day

Dennis Durst special speaker

Mother's Day Program

Dallas and his Crew

Easter Egg Hunt

Here are some eager egg hunters.

One of our winners.

She has one more.

Here are some photos from the easter egg hunt.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter and Other Upcoming Events

Easter 2010

Next Sunday is Easter, we have some special events planned. We will have breakfast at 10AM and then begin our services at bit early about 10:45. We will have a special presentation by our Youth Choir. We are asking people to bring some extra food for breakfast. After the service about 11:30 we will have an Easter Egg hunt. There will be no evening service on Easter Sunday night.

Work Day
April 21

We will have a work day on Wednesday April 21 at 5pm. Steve has offered to cook some hot dogs and we will have chips and drinks. Come and join us as we do some Spring Cleaning and repairs around the church.

Cancer Survivor’s Birthday Party

On Saturday April 24th we will have our 2nd Annual Cancer Survivor’s Birthday Party at 5pm. The church will provide chicken, ham, drinks, and rolls. We are asking people to bring covered dishes and desserts. After the dinner we will have a program.

Sugarloaf Camp

The camp has asked us to provide 12 oz Styroform Cups, we need to send these to the camp by May 15th. Please pick some up as you shop and drop them off at the church.

I had a great time on my trip to the Holy Land but I am glad to be back home. If you would like to see some pictures you can visit the trip blog at

Remember you can check our church website at

Have a great week


Monday, February 22, 2010


I hope everyone is doing well today. I know it’s not here yet but Spring is right around the corner.

I went to the doctor today and he told me to come back in 3 months! So that is good news. I want to thank all of you for your prayers.

I wanted to thank the Youth of BOCC (and their sponsors) for putting on the dinner for Valentine’s Day.

The food was great and it was good to share a meal with everyone.

Also I want to thank everyone who donated money to help the people harmed by the recent earthquake in Haiti, the Youth raised $200 at the dinner and the board voted to match that amount.

So $400 was sent to IDES for Haiti Earthquake relief!!

This is a great way for us to help those who need it so much.

IDES collects money and sends it to different missionaries around the world to help with various disasters and emergencies.

You can read more about IDES here

We have quite a great deal going on in March.

1. March 3: Wednesday Night Bible Study & Choir Practice Resume

2. March 7: Guest Speaker in the morning service: Gideon’s International

3. March 14: Daylight Savings Time begins: Evening Service moves to 7PM

4. March 21: Guest Speaker in the morning service: Dr. Greg Widener professor from KCU

5. March 28: Palm Sunday

6. April 4: Easter Sunday

Have a great week. See you on Sunday.
