Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas is Coming

Here is our Adult Choir Hard at Work

Hello Everyone,

Here is a run down of upcoming events to remember as we approach the Christmas Holiday.

Saturday December 12th, 3pm
Rehersal for Christmas Program (Adult and Youth Choir)

Sunday December 13th, 11AM
Christmas Program (Adult and Children)
After Service: Church Luncheon

Saturday December 19th, 3PM
Rehersal for Youth Christmas Program (Youth Choir Only)

Sunday December 20th, 11AM
Youth Christmas Program 

Here our Youth Choir Performs on Sunday Morning

Friday, November 13, 2009

Upcoming Events

It will be a busy time for everyone the next 8 weeks or so. Here is calendar of upcoming events at Black Oak. If you have other events to add please let me know.

15 Troy Cleland at Black Oak
18 John gone this Wednesday night
22 Dennis Durst at Black Oak
25 No Wednesday Bible Study
26 Thanksgiving


13 BOCC Christmas Program during the Morning Service. Carry in dinner soup and sandwiches after church
20 BOCC Youth Sing during the Morning Service
25 Christmas

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Welcome to the Black Oak Christian Church Blog


I have set up this blog so we can keep up to date on the latest events of Black Oak Christian Church (BOOC).

Remember this week, November 15th, we will have a special speaker coming to BOCC, our former Youth Minister, Troy Cleland. He will be speaking about his work at the Howells Mill Christian Assembly in Ona, West Virginia.
Vistit ther website

We also we will have special speaker on Sunday November 22, Dr. Dennis Durst from KCU will fill in for me while I am away at a conference.

Some of you mentioned you might want to make a box for Operation Christmas Child, it is not too late, the boxes are due in November 16-23. There are several places to drop off the boxes, in Portsmouth, Olive Hill, and Morehead.
You can check the information on their website at

See you on Sunday.

John Wineland