Saturday, February 6, 2010

Feb 6 2010 Update

Hello Everyone,

I hope your keeping warm.

I have good news about my foot the infection specialist said it looked good and he ran blood tests and they came back normal.

So the PIC line has been removed no more medicine, a regular shoe so I am back to “normal”.

Let’s show our love on Valentine’s Day by donating to help the Earthquake victims in Haiti

Remember we have a special Valentine’s Day dinner NEXT SUNDAY Feb 14. It will be right after church.

The BOCC Youth is putting on this dinner for the entire church. They will be taking up donations that will be sent to Haiti to help victims of the massive earthquake. The church board has agreed to match anything that they raise.

The money will be sent to International Disaster and Emergency Services (IDES) and 100% of the money will go to help earthquake victims.

You can read more about IDES here

Here is information about their Haiti relief efforts.



The purpose of IDES is to bring glory to God by bringing help and hope to our hurting world. Among independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, the work of IDES is unique -- the one source our churches and missionaries consistently turn to for help. We welcome you to our web pages. Please visit the site often, get to know us, and partner with us in this great ministry of benevolent evangelism.

Haiti Earthquake: A Message from IDES’ Executive Director

We continue to get reliable information about the needs of our partners in Haiti. IDES is helping with the immediate response, and preparing for long-term involvement. As part of our immediate response, IDES has already sent emergency funding to about dozen different Haitian missions. These missions are providing water, food, shelter and medical aid. We are also beginning to receive more specific requests that total in the tens of thousands of dollars as our Christian partners give assistance to survivors of the earthquake and begin securing their structures. As reports from the field are received we will continue to post a summary of this information on our website.

Many are asking for practical ways in which they can help. Here are a few things you can do now.

Opportunities for YOU

1. Pray!

Host a prayer meeting at your church for Haiti. Pray for the mission workers to have the physical strength to continue to help the hurting. Pray for avenues to open in order for food, medical and other supplies to be distributed to the people. Pray for our military personnel that are there to keep the peace and protect the innocent. Pray for the IDES’ personnel to have wisdom in how to prioritize the overwhelming needs for help.

2. Financial Contributions.

Collect a love offering at your church. Prayerfully consider your response, financially. Funding is one of the most needed things right now. IDES will be in need of funds to help the Haitian Brethren to rebuild their homes, churches and schools. You can donate online by clicking here or mail a check to IDES, P.O. Box 60, Kempton, IN 46049. Please write in the memo "Haiti Earthquake".

3. Serve in Haiti.

Joe Luttrell, our Disaster Relief Assistance Team coordinator is collecting prospective workers willing to go and help with relief efforts and rebuilding houses and churches. Depending on the response and availability, IDES will sponsor short-term trips to Haiti during 2010 and into 2011. If you are interested in going to Haiti you may email Joe at or call the office at 765-947-5100.

4. Join IDES’ Food Packaging Events.

These events will be scheduled throughout 2010. For more information you may contact Ryan Chapman at

Involvement in Haiti is nothing new to IDES. Our history with Haiti goes back to the 1980's. We have been involved with several food distributions, hurricane relief, and various development projects. Frequently, we have assisted different mission organizations with shipping food and other goods into the country. We were assisting ministries in Haiti before the earthquake and we will continue to partner with them as long as we are needed.

Rick Jett
Executive Director

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


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